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Gold, glitter & great company.

01 feb 2019

7 pm. Our invitees start turning up in their fancy costumes and glitter dresses and are soon met with a marvellous drink.

The guests spilled slowly into the dining room dressed in black and golden balloons, lanterns and feathers. 

The night kicked of with a sparkling speech of our CEO.The food was delicious, the laughter plenty and Leonardo’s company was the cherry on the cake.

A nostalgic picture moment brought us back to the events of the past year. After a sweet dessert it was time to announce the winners of our referral program! Great prices were handed out. The evening was particularly cheerful and a convivial atmosphere was present.

We thank all our colleagues.

Wishing you all the best in 2019.

May it be a year of inspiring changes!


“Laughter is easier, minute by minute, spilled with prodigality, tipped out at a cheerful word.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald

PS: enjoy our picture gallery

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starts with
a talk.

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